Visited Baraf Pani, opened by Nauras with a true slush fan, Sadia Safdar. This massive bottle of different flavored slushies is priced at a whopping 280 rupees, and definitely can’t be finished by just one person. It's a small takeaway shop, with bright colors and their slush machines churning out sweet goodness. The different flavors available are orange, summer mix (Strawberry and mango), blueberry, ice cream soda, grape, and a sugar-free option is available as well.
We tried the individual offerings first, and thought the grape slush stood out the most. Blueberry was the least preferred as it was just too sweet and had a very strong artificial blueberry flavor. Mix all of these flavors together, and I guarantee your sweet tooth is sorted for a month. Cooling, refreshing, but definitely heavy on the pocket. A brain freezing treat indeed. Sadia and I gave this an 8 out of 10.
Overall, the evening was fun, spent with good food and good people. I would recommend visiting both places at least once.
Disclaimer: A friend sent me this ramen to try, so I didn't pay for it, but my opinion is as honest as it always is. Okay, I have to admit. I'm a sucker for packaged, unhealthy, and sinfully delicious ramen. So when my friend Omer, husband of the very famous Eman's Cakes (A blog is up on that already, by the way) told me he wanted to send over authentic Thai ramen to me, imported from Thailand, was I going to say no? Of course not! What arrived at my doorstep was this: Of course, there was no sign of English anywhere on this, but packaged ramen aren't that hard to follow through with. So out came the ramen itself into the bowl, along with the shrimp flavored powder, the spicy sauce that makes everything come together and a guesstimate of the water I wanted. What I ended up after nuking it for 2 minutes was this: This was soupy, spicy, not particularly strong in shrimp taste, probably because I added way too much water, but that's how I like it, 2 me...
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