You know how some places keep on evolving and expanding as time goes on? This primarily stems from a personal desire to invest into and consider new avenues of deliciousness for one's customers. Because let's face it, we are all always looking for something new and it doesn't take a lot to take our attention away from a once-favorite food item we couldn't live without. Which is why when Dragonfly Kitchen introduced it's new range of sandwiched this past week, I was quite excited to try them. Knowing the desire to use fresh ingredients, play around with a range of flavors, along with keeping the prices easy on one's pocket, I wasn't surprised that I loved each and everyone of these sandwiches. 1. Chicken Sandwich with Avocado and Cilantro Twist Dressing: Number one on my list of favorites. The chicken is poached to succulent tenderness. The dressing is spread on the bread, giving it the creamy, herby, sour punch this sandwich needs to come together. The ...
Food is in my genes.