I had recently read a few positive reviews of a new delivery place called This or That. The name is concise, catchy, cute. But was the food itself worth the calories? I intended to find out, because this is a model based on Whole Slice. Delivery-based app, no calls and no hassle of explaining directions. Also, burgers and pizza are a weakness. I'm always on the lookout for a good burger and pizza place, and this promised to be a 2-in-1. This being burgers and that being pizza, I presume. Last week I was craving a good burger and decided to download the app and give the 'this' in This or That a try. App was downloaded as easily as most are, and I logged in. Scrolled down to check out all the products and then attempted to scroll back up to the top. I couldn't. My poor thumb hasn't gotten this much exercise ever. I switched to my index finger and attempted to scroll up again. I couldn't. Scrolling up really shouldn't be 'this' hard. So I refreshed t...
Food is in my genes.