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Showing posts from January, 2019

Steak_CFU: Is the Hype Real?

Every so often, an eatery pops up and creates an immediate uproar with an influx of reviews on social media labeling it as God's gift to mankind. Steak_CFU has recently been just one such place, with a negative review facing passionate backlash of 'Haw hai, never ever is it possible for falana dhimkana cheez to happen at this blessed by the angels eatery, and I've been ten billion times already!' With bookings going on for a month in advance, and the eatery having survived for over 5 months, my curiosity was piqued enough to make my first visit at 6:30 p.m. which is more of a linner (lunch+dinner) time slot I detest unless I'm intermittent fasting for a friend's birthday dinner, and a reservation which I did not make.  As soon as we were served the menu, the charming Khurram Rasheed who is the man behind the food walked in to greet us, (At this point, I have a story to tell which I shall share after my steak experience) and I left the choice of flavor, steak...